Pause The Holiday Hustle: Prioritize Your Self-Care
The holiday season is here—the lights, the parties, the never-ending to-do lists. While it’s magical in so many ways, let’s be real: it’s also overwhelming. Between the shopping, cooking, and trying to keep up with traditions, it’s easy to feel like you’re running on empty.
I get it, because I’ve been there. This year, I’m reminding myself (and you!) that the holidays don’t have to be perfect to be meaningful. The best gift you can give yourself is a little self-care—because when you feel good, you can show up for others as your best self.
Here are some ways I’ve been keeping the stress at bay this season—and maybe they’ll inspire you too.
Meditation: A Few Minutes to Breathe
"Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divinity within you." ~Amit Ray
Meditation doesn’t have to be fancy. Sometimes I just close my eyes, take a few deep breaths, and think about my breathing—expanding my lungs and down into my belly fully and exhaling everything out. Even a few minutes can make a huge difference.
The other day, after a marathon of preparing for a pitch presentation, I took time to get up and walk around my living room, just breathing deeply. By the time I went back into my office, I felt calmer and ready to dive into work again.
When stress hits, cortisol levels rise, which impacts everything from sleep to skin to mood. Taking a few intentional breaths can help bring your body back to calm and remind you that you’ve got this.
Yoga: Start Simple
"Yoga does not transform the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees." ~B.K.S. Iyengar
Now, I’ll be honest: I’m not a full-on yoga person. But every morning, I like to work in a few basic stretches. It’s my way of gently waking up my body and centering myself before the day takes off.
If full yoga flows aren’t your thing either, that’s okay. Try some light stretches like a gentle twist, a seated forward bend, or even just reaching for your toes. It’s a simple way to feel grounded and reconnect with your body.
Gratitude Practice: Reframing the Day
"Gratitude turns what we have into enough." ~Unknown
Gratitude is something I try to practice daily. I often catch myself in negative thinking and stop to reframe it into something positive. For example, if I don’t finish my entire To-Do list, I focus on what I did accomplish instead of dwelling on what’s left undone. It’s a small shift, but it helps me end the day feeling proud rather than defeated.
Taking even a moment to appreciate something—a warm hug, a favorite meal, or just crossing one thing off the list—can make all the difference during this busy season.
Nutrition and Hydration: Staying Balanced
"Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live." ~Jim Rohn
Since the weather’s been cooler, I’ve found it harder to keep up with drinking water, and my skin has been feeling it. So, I’ve switched to drinking herbal tea without sweetener to stay hydrated, which has been a cozy and enjoyable alternative.
Lately, I’ve been obsessed with hibiscus tea—it’s like a cup of calm in the middle of my busy day. Pair that with some homemade trail mix, and I’m good to go.
I’ve also been disciplined about not overindulging in holiday sweets. When I head out to events, I make sure to eat a balanced meal at home beforehand. That way, I can enjoy the treats without going overboard. These small adjustments have made me feel better and more in control during this indulgent time of year.
Stay Active: A Morning Boost
"Exercise not only changes your body; it changes your mind, your attitude, and your mood." ~Unknown
Every weekday morning, my husband and I work out together. I’ll admit, I grumble about leaving my warm, cozy bed (especially when it’s chilly), but most mornings, it’s a battle of who can convince the other to get up first. Once we’re moving, we’re usually laughing about something silly—and by the end, I’m so glad we did it.
When the workout’s done, I feel energized and ready to tackle the day. If you’re looking for ways to stay active, it doesn’t have to be anything extreme. A walk, a dance session in the kitchen, or even a few jumping jacks can give you a mood boost. It’s all about moving your body in ways that feel good.
Delegating Tasks: Teamwork Makes It Festive
When my family decides the holiday menu, we divide the tasks amongst ourselves. It makes the preparation less stressful and more enjoyable, knowing we’re all pitching in. Plus, it’s a fun way to bond as we plan and cook together.
This year, I’m learning that asking for help doesn’t mean I’m failing—it means I’m creating space to actually enjoy the holiday moments that matter most.
Bonus Ideas for Holiday Self-Care
- Take a Bath: A warm soak with Epsom salts is like a hug for your muscles and your mind. Add your favorite oil or candles for extra relaxation.
- Journal: Write it all out—your wins, your worries, your wild holiday dreams. Journaling is like therapy on paper.
- Sit Quietly: Unplug from the world for a bit. Power down your devices, sip some chamomile tea, and let the quietness wrap around you.
This holiday season, let’s remember: it’s okay to not have everything perfectly wrapped in a bow. Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish—it’s necessary. When you nurture your mind and body, you’ll be better equipped to spread love and joy to the people around you.
What are some ways you like to prioritize yourself during the holidays? Let me know—I’d love to hear from you!
1 comment
I enjoyed the newsletter and learning new ways of doing my stretch.