Eczema Diet: Foods to Avoid

Eczema Diet: Foods to Avoid

Physicians don’t really know the root cause of eczema. What they do know is that there are a set of potential causes. One cause is an overactive immune system. A common trigger is food allergies. Therefore, following an eczema diet and knowing what foods to avoid may provide you some relief.


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates


Food allergies trigger your body to release an immune system response. This contributes to an inflammatory response and an ensuing eczema flare-up. That’s why it’s important for you to maintain an eczema-friendly diet by understanding what foods cause a trigger for you. Keep in mind that food triggers for one person may be different for another.


Foods that trigger an immune response


Dairy (cow’s milk)




Some fish (shellfish)


Tomatoes/acidic foods


Artificial ingredients

High trans fats (processed foods)

Fast food

Foods high in sugar (an insulin spike causes inflammation)


Eczema-friendly foods to eat


Fatty fish - high in omega-3s, which are anti-inflammatory. Choose salmon, herring, sardines.

Probiotic foods - support a strong immune system, rebalance the microbiome and decrease the inflammatory response. Choose fermented foods and drinks like miso soup, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh, and kombucha.

Flavonoid-rich foods - they have an antioxidant and antihistamine effect, which reduce inflammation and histamine that’s released during allergic reactions. Choose deep-hued fruits and vegetables.


Seek professional healthcare supervision


Other dietary options are a Mediterranean diet that consists of fruits vegetables, and healthy fats or an anti-inflammatory diet that consists of fiber-rich foods. Keep in mind that the National Eczema Association advises that elimination diets should be implemented under proper medical supervision.


Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

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1 comment

Hey Robbin thank you for the information and knowledge about eczema and inflammation do’s and don’t. This information may not be a substitute for medical advice but good information makes us more conscious about what we are eating and putting in our bodies to have healthier looking skin and to become a healthier you.

Wanda Turner

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