Back to Basics: Clean Living - Part II
We embraced the first half of our back to basics journey, clean eating, with open arms. Once we started down that road, we did not look back. Nor did we want to look back. We saw positive effects in our health, particularly our immune system. During cold and flu season, we stayed healthy. That’s nearly an impossible feat to accomplish with a school-aged child.
After reading clean living blogs and articles, I realized that we needed to do something about our personal care products. Our skin is the largest organ on our body. It serves as a protective barrier against external contaminants like bacteria. Our skin is also porous. It absorbs a large percentage of what we put on it. Yes, that’s right. Every time we slather on chemical-laden, toxic face and body lotions, creams, and sunscreens, we’re unknowingly putting contaminants into our bodies. Whoa! Not acceptable. That’s when I started researching natural alternatives for face and body creams, body oils, and soaps. The options are numerous, but I decided to go the old-school route and handcraft it myself. There will be no wondering if what we’re using is toxic free. The results of my handcrafted products were a success, as attested by my doctor. Before commencing my exam, the doctor looked at me, without touching me, and asked, “What have you been doing to your skin? It looks great.” I explained our clean eating and living journey to her and she endorsed everything we were doing. She encouraged me to share my products with others beginning with patients in her practice with particularly dry skin.
Well now, the journey didn’t stop there. I realized that our cleaning products are just as, or even more toxic than our personal products. Cleaning had always been like chemical warfare. The simple task of cleaning the shower always left me coughing from the strong fumes of the cleanser. It bothered me thinking about what I was doing to our lungs. Hence, the chemicals had to go! Again, I hit the internet in search of green cleaning products. Not just the ones in green bottles with flowers on the label to make you think they’re natural, but authentic, non-toxic products. Again, the old-school route of making my own products called to my senses. I began making my own disinfecting cleaning products, laundry detergent, and natural bleach alternative. The products are made with natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, super washing soda, peroxide, castile soap, lemons, vodka (yes vodka), and essential oils. Now my fear of exposing my family to harm is eliminated.
The journey is not over. As we are enlightened and informed of new developments, we will continue to evolve. There is no end destination. This is a life-long path we’re committed to traveling. In the words of Dan Eldon, when all is said and done, “The journey is the destination.”